Aesthetic dentistry
A more beautiful smile
We will turn your vision into reality
The appearance of our teeth changes throughout our lives. They become discolored, change their slope, and can become damaged.
Teeth whitening is a non-invasive method that gives your teeth a healthy and radiant shade. You can choose in-office whitening during one visit, 14-day home whitening, or a combination of both.
An all-ceramic crown is used to replace damaged tooth enamel. Thanks to the innovative CEREC technology, we will create a new all-ceramic surface in the color and shape of your original tooth before damage. All this can be achieved in a single visit.
The veneers are the front surfaces of the teeth, replacing the enamel of the teeth in a very thin layer. The 3D veneer design is created using CEREC software in the presence of the client, so the client can consult the physician about the appearance of their new teeth directly during their creation. The finishing of the veneers takes place in cooperation with the dental technician directly on the premises of our clinic in our laboratory.
You can also opt for all-ceramic crowns or veneers in cases where treatment using braces is not possible or does not meet your needs for some reason.
Inlays are all-ceramic dental restorations - resistant, stable, hypoallergenic, highly accurate and aesthetic. They are manufactured in our laboratory using innovative cutting-edge technology, which is individually tailored to the client's specific tooth.